Niagara Investment Castings’s Capabilities
- Precision investment castings from ounces to 200 lbs in weight.
- All manufacturing to ISO 9001 Quality System.
- ISO14001 Environmental System certified.
- Certified to European Pressure Standard PED 4.3.
- Castings produced in most engineering materials including low and high steels, stainless steels, tool steels, nickel based alloys, cobalt based alloys, and copper based alloys.
- Lost wax tool design and manufacturing, from simple single cavity to multi-cavity and semi or fully automated tools.
- Full machining services for fully “turn key” product support.
- Complex and challenging casting designs and detail.
- Ceramic coring for complex internal detail.
- A full range of NDT testing capabilities including radiography, magnetic particle inspection, liquid penetrant inspection, and ultrasound.
- Comprehensive metals testing capabilities including chemical analysis, mechanical testing, charpy testing, metallography, grain size analysis, and corrosion testing.
- A full range of heat treatment processing including annealing, solution annealing, normalizing, quench and temper hardening, case hardening, nitriding, and age hardening.
- In-house rapid prototyping capability utilizing state-of-the-art 3D “printed plastic pattern” technology.
- Robotic shell building to ensure repeatability of shell quality and consistency between castings.
- Automated wax injection for large volume production requirements.
- Computerized “Solidification Modelling” to ensure sound castings prior to the job going to the shop floor for production.
- Hands on assistance with clients designs utilizing Solidworks three dimensional drawing capabilities.
- Metallurgical assistance
- Full range of surface treatments available including passivation, plating, painting, or polishing.
- In-house surface preparations including shot blast, grit blast, sand blast, and glass beading.
- Straightening, cold and hot press.
- “One stop” sourcing for other complimentary cast products including sand cast gray and ductile iron, sand cast steel and stainless steel, as well as aluminum die castings, all through our diverse family of sister companies.